New Exhibit Explores "Portland Past and Present"—Video: KATU AM NW
What was Portland like in the past? A new exhibit at the Oregon Historical Society (OHS) seeks to provide a deeper understanding of the present by looking back at the past. OHS Executive Director Kerry Tymchuk and Professional Photographer Peter Marbach joined us to share what went into to creating "Portland Past and Present."The exhibit is on display until July 7, 2024. Entry to OHS is free for all Multnomah County residents.

Photography exhibition celebrates Oregon State Parks 100th anniversary—Video: Grant’s Getaways on KGW8
There’s a big birthday party underway and anyone who enjoys camping or playing at an Oregon State Park is invited to join the fun. Grant’s Getwaways recently caught up with a famous photographer whose birthday gift for all Oregonians is not to be missed.

Nature Photography: Snowshoeing to Find the Perfect Shot—OPB's Think Out Loud Blog
Outdoor photographer Peter Marbach takes Think Out loud snowshoeing in search of the perfect photo of Mt. Hood.